Sunday, 31 August 2014

Let the Learning and Explorations Begin!

Our classroom is a blank slate awaiting the arrival of the children to make it their own!

We enjoyed setting up our classroom and transforming it into a welcoming learning environment! We are eager to see how the children interact and engage with the materials. We would firstly like to welcome all parents to our blog! This year there will be a dynamic team of three educators working together to plan play-based and inquiry based learning experiences. The purpose of this blog is to post the exciting things that take place in our Kindergarten classroom!

Here is a glance at our learning environment. We worked to create a calming and inviting environment for children to learn, explore, and experiment.

Materials are displayed on tables and shelves to encourage independence. Students can select from different writing utensils when drawing, documenting, and writing. In addition, colours are separated for organization and for a more deliberate choice of colour selection. This also facilitates sorting of materials. 

There are many areas around the classroom that welcome children to write and document their ideas. These writing samples will be displayed on the "Daily Writing" wall every day and then filed into individual student portfolios.

This writing table is equipped with mailboxes and envelopes for children to write and mail notes to their classmates and teachers. This will encourage them to use writing in authentic ways (such as creating cards and writing letters). 

We decided to make our Daily Living Centre more realistic. We included pots and pans, calendars, white boards, and note pads for children to practise real life situations. Many social skills are developed in this centre such as sharing, turn-taking, co-operation, and communication with peers. This area will change according to children's interests, inquiries, and special classroom projects. 

Blocks and materials will gradually be added to our "Engineering Area". In addition, "loose parts" and natural materials are included to add to student creations and structures. Many 21st Century Learning skills are reinforced in this area such as planning, collaborating, problem solving, creating, designing, and testing. Students have the opportunity to experiment with 3-D shapes, balance, and stability.  

Our Science and Math areas are close to each other in order to help facilitate the exchange of ideas and materials. Students have the opportunity to explore math manipulatives along with natural materials and loose parts. Here, they may experiment with patterns, balance, sorting, and counting, along with many other mathematical skills and concepts. In the science area, mirrors are used for reflection. Natural materials such as crystal beads and shells are provided for more explorations and observations. 

We will use this blog to document how our classroom changes based on student interests and experiences. We will also document the unique inquiries and projects that unfold throughout this magical learning journey! It is very rewarding to watch how children learn and grow when provided with open-ended materials and inviting learning opportunities!

Monday, 25 August 2014

Welcome to Room 206

Dear Families,

We would like to welcome you to our Full Day Kindergarten Blog from room 206!


Ms. Khala (ECE), Ms. Mazzuca (A.M. Teacher)  and Mrs. Paiano (P.M. Teacher)